Friday, February 21, 2014

I'm travelling for a bit. I should have something new up here on the second of March.


  1. Hi Thera! This is Chris, remember me? Mike's friend. We are Facebook friends, which is probably the best way for you to respond to me.

    I've read most of your blogspot, and it is inspiringly hillarious. I understand you are teaching English in South Korea. I have a lot of questions for you!

    I am about a year away from getting my bachelors in physics. I am spending the summer as a guest research assistant out in California. This fall I am spending a semester studying at the University of Oslo, Norway. I am probably going to sell most of my belongings, give up my apartment, and cancel my car insurance (with my truck parked in a friend's garage), because I will only have one or two semesters of school after that.

    When I graduate I am thinking about going to South Korea and teaching in a public school for a couple of years. Georgia Tech offers a "work at your own pace" online masters degree in machine learning (a branch of computer science), which I will enroll in. The entire program costs 6,600 USD.

    Contingent upon how my semester in Norway goes, I want to move there. Getting a visa to go to graduate school there requires showing that I have ~18,000 USD in funds (not a fee, just that I have the money). My understanding is that if I am frugal I should have that much in savings after 2 years of teaching in South Korea, even after paying for my masters.

    I am not a certified teacher, but I do have 5 years experience teaching (robotics & programming) at the Space & Rocket Center and Sci-Quest. I know that I will need some sort of certification to teach English. What certification did you do, and what do you suggest for me?

    What do you think of my plan? What can you tell me about your experiences?

    Thanks a ton!
    -- Chris Parker.

    1. Facebooked! Let me know if you need more specific info on anything.
