Sunday, April 28, 2013

Art Interlude

A photo of a sketch I did in Mali, during the 2011 burning season (November, specifically.).  To give you a sense of scale, those blurry red dots off to the left are houses. Burning season takes place at the end of rainy season, as things are getting cold and everything is still green, and it was my favorite time there. This is in Siby, which is full of high, red sandstone cliffs. I found a trail up one cliff, after stumbling around lost for several hours, and sat up there as it got dark so I could watch the fires being set below all over the valley. I slept near the edge of the cliff and kept waking up all night, thinking that I'd rolled off (There was a bolder between me and the edge, but I apparently couldn't remember that while asleep.). I drew this right at dawn. This picture is not at all correct: the cliffs there are much, much more beautiful in early morning light than this.